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szsyby 初中毕业技校 2023-07-11 20:48:09 97 0 采访的英文

问题一记者采访的英文的英文是什么 reporter journalist 问题二记者用英语怎么说 记者 reporter journalist new *** an correspondent 4种reporter ri#39p采访的英文?t采访的英文? n 记者 staff reportercorrespondent本报记者 reporter采访;采访的英文你好我是这家报社采访的英文的记者见到您我非常高兴见到你我也很高兴 据说您是位成功人士,我能问你一些问题吗 当然 你认为你是成功的吗 是的我认为自己是成功人士因为我做任何我乐意做的并且做的非常好 那些你乐意做的事情都是。

===纯手工打造=== A I’m a reporter from XX Daily, as you know, the job market is getting tougher and tougher now, but you have got a good position in Microsoft China when facing a lost of competi;Excuse me,can i ask you a question打扰一下我能问你一个问题吗?如果不是在街上随机采访把前面的半句换成hello,thank you for your coming你好,感谢你的到来。

采访英文作文篇1 Here is an interview with Li Li We can see that is her favorite band, because the band is energetic and has good singersAmong all the books she has read,Harry Potter is her;Interview 是及物动词,直接加宾语,所以是 interview sb。

There is a boy, let#39s go interview him~We are the quotSchool repotersquot, and we want to have an interview with you, it is about our dreams So what is you dream? I always dreamt to be an actress。


Are you going to cover the event? 采访事件interview=访问访谈 1 Are you going to interview the President now。

问题一采访明星后,用英文写一篇作文 My favorite star is Danson Tang,who came from Taiwan,September 2,1984 was born in Keelung,Taipei,in a singer,actress and host of the 问题二急求用英语采访明星的。

开头Excuse me ,sirmadam!can I interview you for few minutes?等待回复如果别人答应的话Well,you know ,our country will hold Olympic Games in August 8th,208~How do you think about开始切入正题~。



may i have a interview with you?第一个当名词用或者是may i interview you about sth?这里当动词用,就某件事我可以采访你吗。


1、采访明星英文对话稿 Today, we had the great pleasure and honor to interview Mr 黄, famous singer in the world She showed genius when she was young and her song shows everyone that she is the best! Now。


2、interviewer,interview 动词,采访,后面加er变名词一英语的起源与发展 1英语英文English是一种西日耳曼语,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后。

3、记者英语提问开场怎么说 首先对别人接受您的采访表示感谢说thanks to aept my interview 然后用,May I ask you some question about 来开场引出问题 提问应尽可能精练,多让采访者说话 当对方回答。





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