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szsyby 初中毕业技校 2023-06-23 21:24:08 112 0 现象的英文

1、普遍现象英文universal phenomenoncommon phenomenon universals linguistic universalsmicrophenomenon例句1外周神经病HIV病人的普遍现象Peripheral NeuropathyA Universal Phenomenon in HIV Patients现象的英文?2歧视黑人现象的英文;WeChat Moments, a popular WeChat feature, enables users to share with their friends what they are up to and what is on their mind注意“WeChat Moments”是“微信朋友圈”的英文名称,是专有名词,表示一现象的英文;最近发现现象的英文了一个很奇怪的现象 Recently, I foundcame uponnoticed a very strangeweird occurrenceincidentphenomenonOR I foundcame uponnoticed a very strangeweird occurrenceincident;phenomenons 这种复数形式,基本和“现象无关,只用于 特殊的人事物口语非凡的人特别的事情 或事实做为“现象”解得复数就是phenomena。


2、没有固定的说法for this phenomenon with regard to this phenomenonAmerican academics have even invented aterm for this phenomenon, “summer learning loss”对于这种现象,美国教学界甚至还专门发明现象的英文了一个术语“;Network new reflects a time all the characteristics of a social age and society, include the various phenomenon, is the product of age and society This paper tries to select network of some famous words;7 谁能帮我写一篇关于社会现象的英文作文,最好附上中文,题材可以是 Should cyclists stop at red lights? Bike riders generally are required to obey traffic signals, but some treat lights as advisories, cruising through inte;现象的英语单词是phenomenon,其读音为英 f#601#712n#594m#618n#601n 美 f#601#712nɑm#618n#601n 具体释义如下phenomenon 英 f#601#712n#594m#618n;“现象”英语Phenomenonappearance 1 日月蚀是一个有趣的现象An eclipse is an interesting phenomenon汉英大词典2 这种行为上的倒退现象在男孩中更加普遍This regressive behaviour is more common in boys。

3、外观甚至营销手段上相互模仿,以至逐渐趋同的现象,即差别不易分清,差异小在管理上是指产品服务趋同,尽管形式上有差别,但内容品质技术含量,使用价值一样同质化英文homogenization;文化现象的英文cultural phenomenon文化现象指人类文化发展过程中呈现出的某种外部状态和联系,具有个别具体可直接观察和经验性等特点文化现象是文化发展中带有典型和标志作用的事情,它是群众在共同需要共同心理的基础;2How could this be?3How can it be?4how did we come to this?为什么why why is it that how is it that forwhy whereto 出现appear appearance arise emerge grow 现象phenomenon;1It reflects a common phenomenon in our my opinion,it conveys a deeper meaning which is beyond the picture itself公益慈善翻译团真诚为您解答;造成这种现象的原因英文The cause of this phenomenon 中国在八九十年代开始普及英语,教学方法采用的是50年代翻译法,这种方法对英语老师的要求不高,也方便考试,符合当时的国情缺点是教出来的英语,大多是哑巴英语翻译。

4、1现象的英语单词是phenomenon,其读音为英f__n_m_n_n美f__nɑm_n_n,n现象,事件奇迹非凡的人2例Thisformofcivildisobedienceisntaparticularlynewphenomenon这种形式的非暴力反抗并不是特别新的现象;问题一故障现象的英文怎么说 故障现象 网络 Symptom failure failure phenomenon例句详细论述了电动机初次运行时常见的故障现象,并对故障原因进行分析,提出解决办法This paper details mon faults during first;Nino phenomenon, 敬请采纳。

5、柏拉图说的是可见世界#8001ρατ#972ν和可知世界νοητ#972ν,visible world 和 intelligible world,有些人也把可见世界翻译成可感世界perceptible world最好不要用现象世界和理念世界这两个说法。






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